The most important fiscal bill in our country’s history is on the verge of being passed or defeated. It dominates all news as it should. It is opposed by a double digit majority of the people and strongly opposed by a 2-1 margin over those who strongly support it. There are not enough votes to pass the bill. Each House of Congress has put forth unprecedented procedural proposals to pass what other wise would not pass. This is in addition to the various bribes that we have publicly seen and are likely being proposed currently. Each day this week the president has chosen to lie to the public (by double counting Medicare cuts, comparing 5 years of spending with 10 years of taxing, etc., etc.) to promote a monstrosity. The bill is bad enough. But the damage to our way of governing is even worse. President Barack Obama, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are corrupt to the core.
But this is not the only area where the Obama administration has established and supported corrupt and dangerous practices. Debra Burlingame and Thomas Jocelyn wrote an opinion piece in Monday’s Wall Street Journal on some of the defense practices on behalf of the “Gitmo” prisoners by the Law Firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkin, Wharton and Garrison.Legislation passed in 2006 and subsequent rulings by the Supreme Court permit detainees, under certain conditions, to petition the court in support of habeas corpus rights. However, without getting into the details of what qualifies as a legitimate appeal, Paul, Weiss, and Rifkin engaged in other activities which arguably flirt with Treason under Article 3 of the Constitution. Treason is defined by Article 3, Section 3 as such.
Section 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort….
Treason has not been strictly enforced in this country for 60 years except in extreme cases such as passing state secrets. Otherwise Jane Fonda would have spent more time in jail than John McCain did in the Hanoi Hilton. But Gitmo lawyers have come very close to “adhering to the {United States} Enemies”. The most severe example involves chief 9/11 plotter Khalid Sheik Mohammed. Burlingame and Jocelyn state that,
Last August, the Washington Post reported that three lawyers defending Khalid Sheik Mohammad and his 9/11 co-conspirators showed their clients photographs of covert CIA officers in an attempt to identify the individuals who interrogated them after they were captured overseas. Lawyers working for the John Adams Project, formed to support the legal team representing KSM and his cohorts, provided the defense attorneys with the photographs, according to the Post. None of the attorneys under investigation were identified in the Post report.
Obviously, this was putting our CIA operatives at risk. Further, lawyers secretly passed unclassified information to other detainees, unrelated directly or indirectly to their defense and against explicit Guantanamo rules. These were designed to inflame defendants by putting the United States war effort in an unfavorable light. Guantanamo’s Major General Hood was concerned about maintaining order at the facility and petitioned the DOJ to stop such activity by these private lawyers.
The lawyers’ defense was that in order to gain their “client’s” trust and cooperation for their habeas corpus cases, this kind of action was necessary for a proper defense. This is the equivalent of sending kiddy porn to accused sex offenders to “gain their trust” in defending themselves against pedophilia charges. It is an utter self contradiction. Why would sending anti-American propaganda to an individual who, on the one hand, you are claiming is not an enemy combatant, be beneficial, but who, on the other hand, will cooperate with their defense only if you send them propaganda supported by enemy combatants? It is absurd.
Finally, there are apparently seven of these defense lawyers serving in the Holder Justice Department. They are informally known by their detractors as the “Al Qaeda 7″. This is not illegal. But it shows a thought process of Holder and ultimately Obama. Who are these individuals? Obama and Holder will not release their names.
This is our president in all his glory. He is a left of left politician. The ends always justify the means. The populace will move the Congress to the middle in November. But we will have 3 more years of Obama. But I do believe his presidency is over by and large.
The good news about Obama is the bad news. He is a follower, not a leader. As long as he follows people like General Petraeus, things will go well. But when he follows twisted fakes like Pelosi things go poorly. If we can pull a rabbit out of the hat on health care, perhaps things will be alright for the next 3 years, at which point hopefully the Republicans will field a candidate the public will want to vote for.